What is a Cardboard Shredder & Purpose of It? - Andhra Pradesh - Other industrial goods, Andhra Pradesh - 3174570


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What is a Cardboard Shredder & Purpose of It? - Other industrial goods

Ref. number: 3174570 Updated: 09-12-2024 08:10

Offering: Other industrial goods in India, Andhra Pradesh

CardBoard Shredder Manufacturers are making cardboard shredder machine to convert cardboard boxes and cardboard sheets into useable cardboard strips. CardBoard can be used by organisations to package items, reducing the cost, transportations, giving cardboard waste another use before it can eventually be recycled again. CardBoard Shredder is a piece of machinery which shreds cardboard into pieces. The person who is using CardBoard Shredder can simply feeds cardboard into the opening of the machine and steel blades whir to grind down larger items of cardboard cut into smaller pieces which can be reuses, make easy to carry another places, manageable pieces, producing strips or pellets of cardboard. Contact Avanti-ltd CardBoard Shredder Manufacturers, Phone: - 091-040-27764675, 91-9440444345, Address: - 1-11-256/B/1, Plot.No.107, 1st Floor, B-Block, Axis Bank Lane, Bhagawanthapur, Hyderabad-500016, Web: - https://www.avanti-ltd.com/products-avanti-application-shredders-avanti-cp455.html

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First name: Ava
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Phone number: 9440444345
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