"(Personality Development & Effective Study Techniques)
Children to gear up to the demands of the modern world need to build skills in other areas in addition to the regular education received at school. Therefore there exists a programme that supplements the school's education and prepares the child to develop self-confidence and excel in his/her studies.
Super Student is a Unique training program designed to help students achieve super success in studies. Self-awareness, mind programming and better study techniques enable the students to learn fast, score high and achieve brilliant success in academics. Even a below-average student can perform exceedingly well by following scientifically researched and time-tested learning techniques taught in the programme. Besides this, it is aimed at preparing students to take on the world with high self-confidence and a positive attitude.
Course Contents:
Memory Improvement Techniques
Developing Self-Confidence
Devoloping concentration
Mind Management
Time Management
Goal-Setting Skills
Anger & Stress Management
Foods for powerful brain
Effective study techniques to get top ranks
Public speaking skills"